mgsLib  1.3
Mermaja's Graphic Screen. A simple C library to build Windows graphic applications from console programs.
File List
Here is a list of all documented files with brief descriptions:
 mgsLib.cMain code of the MGS Library
 mgsLib.hHeader file for the MGS Library
 mrmButton.cButtons for the MrMWidgets
 mrmColorPicker.cColorPicker for the MrMWidgets
 mrmKeyboard.cKeyboard for the MrMWidgets
 mrmList.cLists for the MrMWidgets
 mrmNumPad.cNumPad for the MrMWidgets
 mrmSelection.cSelection lists for the MrMWidgets
 mrmSlider.cSliders for the MrMWidgets
 mrmWidgets.cMain code for the MGS Library Widgets
 mrmWidgets.hHeader file for the MGS Library Widgets